IPK recruitmen & selection consulting
Since 1991 we have been providing our Clients with high quality HR services including: recruitment&selection, assessment and executive search. .
Our team of experienced recruitment proffessionals assists our Clients in finding, assessing and recruiting best possible candidates for all levels and various types of positions
As a renowned Polish executive search and selection company IPK provides special-ized services across a broad spectrum of industries, specialties as well as lev-els and type of positions, based on the solid and successful practices and the highest operational standards.
We are a team of consultants educated and experienced in management, financ-es, marketing and psychology.
Dealing with the broad range of personnel issues we have been providing our clients with highly professional and confidential consulting services.
Search & selection is our core business but we also assist our clients with
Executive Outplacement
Compact career coaching
Finding suitable candidates for any type and level positions requires a subtle and re-fined approach.
Finding suitable candidates for any type and level positions requires a subtle and re-fined approach.
Through our network of contacts and personal sources, as well as focused advertising
and the direct search method and approaching identified candidates, we are able to find
the right candidates while fulfilling all the requirements of professional confidentiality.
Our methodology consists of the following steps:
1. Job Description - Candidate’s Profile
We begin with developing together with our Client a detailed job description,
including organizational context, duties and responsibilities, remuneration package.
The Can-didate Profile including relevant requirements, job experience and qualifications
and psychological criteria is thereafter elaborated
2. Longlisting
Using our experience, combined with knowledge of the particular business sector and our client's
suggestions, we then design the strategy for identifying and contacting potential candidates.
This may involve approaching companies that employ specialist and professionals who may be
of interest to our client, contacting IPK sources and directly contacting potential candidates.
3. Selection & shortlisting
The shortlisted group of candidates subsequently undergo an assessment procedure consisting
of multiple interviews and psychological tests.
4. Presentation
Our standard conditions
Timeframe of the recruitment process covers 2-4 weeks (from signing the contract
to presentation of the shortlist)
We do not charge our clients with any extra costs ( travel costs, tests, etc)
unless it is not discussed and agreed separately with the Client.
We covenant ourselves to keep off limits of our clients company and not to approach
his employees for recruitment purposes
W ciągu ponad 25 lat działalności przeprowadziliśmy badania ponad 20 000 osób - pracowników lub kandydatów do pracy na stanowiskach wszystkich szczebli.
Badanie psychologicznych predyspozycji zawodowych polega na ocenie potencjału psychologicznego osób badanych w odniesieniu do wymagań stanowiska pracy i jego kontekstu organizacyjnego. W zależności od potrzeb pracodawcy, badanie może obejmować wszystkie elementy Baterii Diagnostycznej IPK - wówczas powstaje pełny Profil Psychologicznych Predyspozycji Zawodowych kandydata / pracownika.
Badanie dotyczyć może także wybranych predyspozycji osobowościowych lub sprawności intelektualnych.
Usługę COMPACT COACHING obejmującą kompleksową Diagnozę Potencjału Zawodowego w której skład wchodzi badanie testami i kwestionariuszami oraz rozmowa na temat uzyskanych wyników, proponujemy zarówno firmą w ramach usługi selekcyjnej lub developmentowej, jak i osobą prywatnym chcącym zweryfikować dotychczasową lub w świadomy sposób pokierować dalszą karierą zawodową.